When a coach loses, they don’t hate the team. Or at least the successful ones don’t. Why not? Through the love of their job, the successful coach finds ways to love, inspire and motivate the team they have in front of them. Accountability, discipline, and focus play a HUGE roll in being successful along with execution of the plan. That’s how successful coaches do it.
The successful coach finds ways to love, inspire and motivate the team they have in front of them.
The same thing happens at successful companies. The leadership or management staff sets out a plan and measures its achievements using the same tools that a coach would use. Creating a culture that has the buy-in of everyone in the organization is the foundation to which achievements can be laid. Systemic thinking becomes a habitual management practice.
Accountability, discipline, and focus play a HUGE roll in being successful.
If it was so easy, then why aren’t all teams or companies successful? Most of the time, companies try to take shortcuts that result in short-term gains. This generally results in burnout, low motivation, and disincentivized workers. Your team. Companies have to decide, are they in it for the right reasons and the long game or for short-term wins that ultimately leave them empty.
Creating a culture that has the buy-in
The question is…knowing what you know about effective leadership and management practices, what are you going to do about it? Perhaps you need a coach too.