Nurturing a Positive Work Culture: The Pitfalls of Gossip and Judgement

In today’s fast-paced and complex work environments, fostering a positive culture is essential for cultivating productive and engaged teams. However, unseen forces often play a role that can erode trust, damage relationships, and hinder collaboration. Gossip and judgment are menacing threats to a healthy workplace culture. Gossip, often fueled by idle chatter or the desire […]
“Businesses Don’t Fail. Leaders Do.” But do they know why?

Navigating Leadership Challenges by Embracing Change and Innovation in 2024 In today’s fast-paced business world, where change is the only constant, the role of effective leadership cannot be overstated. As new graduates enter the workforce, they encounter a business environment fraught with challenges, many of which stem from outdated leadership practices. Reflecting on my recent […]
Developing Relationships and Consensus Through Being Open-minded

As a leader, are you willing to consider new ideas? In community engagement through my consulting company, Everyone Thrives Consultant Services, I often find people who want to solve the same problem with differing opinions. I know that is a shocker. In the book The Leadership Challenge, authors Kouzes and Posner cite that people are […]
Elevate Your Leadership: Become an Exceptional Leader in an Everchanging World

Elevate Your Leadership: Become an Exceptional Leader in an Everchanging World Would you like to improve your leadership capacity, skills, and mindset? Searching for successful outcomes in your personal and professional life? In this article, we discuss: Are you ready to lead your organization in an ever-changing world that demands swift and nimble leaders? In […]
Navigating Nonprofit Leadership: Essential Insights for New (and Existing) Leaders

What Every Nonprofit Leader Should Learn Early in Their Journey Introduction Leading a nonprofit organization is a worthy pursuit with unique challenges and rewards. As a new nonprofit leader, you’re embarking on a path that demands vision, practicality, passion, and adaptability. This article is a compass to help you navigate the exciting world of nonprofit […]
Empowering Leadership, Strategy, Growth, and Impact for Your Nonprofit or Small Business

Hello LinkedIn community and connections! After a brief hiatus, I am ready to return to the game. I spent the last two months taking a break from posting and pouring my efforts into refining my business model. I am happy to say that I think it has paid off (or at least we will find out soon). […]
Building a Productive Partnership with Your Consultant

Building a relationship with a consultant takes time, effort, and commitment. Whether it’s only for the short term or if you are in it for the long haul, investing time in building relationships between consultants and clients can pay significant dividends. It’s similar to knowing your doctor, contractor, or mechanic well enough that you are comfortable […]
Steps to Succeed. Finally

As we round the corner and will soon be coming to the end of the first quarter of the year, ask yourself…”Have I began the journey of accomplishing what I set out to do in 2023?” Most of you had a great start but have stagnated or even struggling to get started. Research (The Journal of […]
Making your Vision a Reality

“Vision without action is just a dream, action without vision just passes the time, and vision with action can change the world.” – Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela’s quote was inspirational to the world and should be part of a leader’ mantra. For leaders… a vision without action is unachievable. In fact, it becomes more of a […]
Wrapping up 2022 with a Bow

It’s been a while since I have written an article and published it for consumption. I suggest if you have an idea, thought, or feeling, try writing a post, article, or blog. It can be fully cathartic. I’m writing this article today to put a bow on my 2022 year and perhaps leave a few […]